Houston SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Youtube Video SEO Blog

Houston SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Youtube Video SEO Blog

Houston SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Transcript of youtube.com video SEO Blog uploaded to youtube.com on November 5,2018.
Another month gone by and no one can find your website.
You paid $1000's of Dollars for a beautiful website.
But your inbox is empty and no orders are coming in..
You have a great website and no one is finding it.
The Ad Agency said you would have a great looking website you can be proud of.
And it does look fantastic - what is the problem?
You see creative agencies create beautiful designs and layouts.
The Problem is - No one sees your website!
So what happened?
The Creative Agency sold you a beautiful website design.
They didn't sell you content that ranks on Google.
So How do you correct your trajectory?
You create content that is Google friendly.
You hire content development experts.
Content  creators that identify and define your target audience.
Content Creators that utilize your strengths and make them work for you.
How you ask?  You contact us!
If you are watching this video chances are you need Search Engine Optimization.
And you need assistance with content for your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) project.
We create the content and provide the strategy you are looking for!
Call Greg Wenzel @ 32.303.1930 or send email to seo@mavericksonline.com
We can ease the pain related to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Contact Greg Wenzel @ 832.303.1930 / seo@mavericksonline.com
Houston SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
CREATED WITH WORK BY Greg Wenzel @ www.mavericksonline.com
832.303.1930 | seo@mavericksonline.com
This presentation was optimized for Houston SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Made with Adobe Spark


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