Tabasco is now one of Mexico’s most troubled states

Mexico oil sector sputters as economic recession and soaring murder rates have rapidly made Tabasco one of Mexico’s most troubled states.

Mexico Oil Sector Sputters Murder Rates Recession Mexico Tabasco

The state of Tabasco in Mexico has experienced mounting consequences, from an economic recession to soaring murder rates, that have rapidly made Tabasco one of Mexico’s most troubled states. This once small, and seemingly solid and stable, middle-class state now struggles with an economic downturn and despicable violence.

It comes as little surprise that turbulence within the oil industry would have consequences on the State of Tabasco, home to Mexico’s 1st petroleum discovery and a state where more than 1/2 of the economy, and nearly half the jobs, rely on the oil market.

READ MORE HERE – Tabasco one of Mexico’s most troubled states 

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