Are You Ready For A Discovery Call?

Direct Sales Leadership is Often Overstated… Not Here!

“Have you ever worked with a $1,000,000 earner?” is the question I was asked during a brief discovery call in early 2018. 

It was a legitimate question though one I had never been asked and of which I was curious as to why it was asked. As the conversation continued I began to understand the purpose of the question and how it would change my thinking regarding the possibilities available in the Direct Sales Model.

The facts were that I had never worked with a $1,000,000 producer in direct sales. Of course there were producers of that caliber somewhere up the distribution tree but I had never had direct access to them on a daily basis. As the conversation evolved I could see the point of the question.  You see, most people in Direct Sales never work directly with the people who have achieved the greatest success. Most are enrolled into the program and work with someone who was recently enrolled and, they themselves, were recently enrolled by someone who was recently enrolled. This had been my experience in my 30+ years of dabbling in the Direct Sales business.

Then, like a flash of genius I began to understand the full scope of the $1,000,000 producer question.

















What if I could work with a $1,000,000 producer who had achieved the type of success I wanted to achieve and was currently in the beginning of “Build Mode” with a new organization that was only a few months old? 

What if I could offer the same opportunity to people, just like me, who were searching for that insight, availability and opportunity that is provided by direct access to $1,000,000 producers in Direct Sales?     

What if you had ongoing daily access to:

  • Million Dollar Producers in the Direct Sales Industry.
  • Consult with Experienced Direct Sales Marketers
  • Opportunity to learn from proven leaders in all aspects of Direct Sales Including:
  • Owners of Direct Sales Company Producing $400,000,000+ in Sales
  • Corporate Consultant of $100,000,000 in Revenue
  • Business Consultant in Direct Sales
  • Marketer in Direct Sales Industry
  • Distributor Responsible for Hundreds of Producers
  • Master Distributor Responsible for $170,000,000 in Sales
  • 50+ Years of Successful Direst  Sales Industry Experience
  • Top Leaders Currently in Build Mode

What’ is it worth to you?

  • Have you ever wondered how to create $1,000,000 Earnings?
  • Do you have access to a $1,000,000 Earner on a daily basis?
  • What if you had access to Multiple $1,000,000 Earners and benefit from their experience and expertise?

If you could…. Would You…

  • Accept an invitation to have a discovery call with a $1,000,000 Earner…
  • Discuss how you can also become a $1,000,000 Earner…
  • Align yourself with individuals whose daily activities will make any business more effective, efficient and profitable…
  • Be open to a revenue model providing for annuity type residual income that will last a lifetime…

Take action and make your dream a reality…

What If You Could?



















Yes, I want to schedule a discovery call today!